Baby Kayden and Family Photoshoot by Tan Genghui Photography
Editor’s note: My brother and sister-in-law, Siying was expecting with their second child in 2017, and this was an exciting time for me as it will be the second time I’m becoming an uncle! During my birthday outing, Siying talked about wanting a maternity photoshoot (as she didn’t have the chance to have one when she was having their first child, Jaren). Tiffany and I started planning one as a gift to them, but lo and behold, Baby Kayden decided to pop out 1 month before he’s due! In the end, after discussing with our trusted photographer Tan Genghui (Yes, he’s the one who did my Sudio photoshoot and #LoveAtSecondSight Behind The Scenes), we decided to turn the maternity photoshoot into a Baby and Family Photoshoot. So this is a little testimonial from my brother, Yixuan!
YX: We had a lovely photo shoot with Tan Genghui Photography on a Saturday morning in the comfort of our own home. We heard that it was his first experience with a photo shoot involving a baby but he was really patient and flexible.
Some of the challenges of having a baby in a photo shoot includes (but are not limited to); the infrequent but unpredictable tantrums, inability of young babies to look at the camera and of course the short window of time when the baby is awake.
However, Geng Hui handled those challenges well and was able to work with the limited props we had in our house. The result includes many candid shots which feels very natural and helped us to capture the “day to day” moments with our baby which we both hold very dear in our hearts.
Yi Xuan (The Daddy):
1) Why did you want to do this photoshoot in the first place?
My wife wanted to capture some memories of our child while he is still tiny and cute!
2) What are some of the challenges (worries/ concerns) you find when getting ready for this photoshoot?
We had never tried a baby shoot before, and hence initially we weren’t sure of what to do or have ready. In addition, we also didn’t really have any idea of what we wanted and hence had actually felt quite unprepared. But shooting with Geng Hui was really enjoyable and we felt no stress at all.
3) What are the benefits of having the photoshoot at home?
We feel really comfortable and didn’t feel like we were in a rush. The environment is controlled, and the baby, and ourselves included were at ease. Plus it saves us the hassle of having to travel to a studio!
4) Are there any preparation or things you wished you have done?
We wished we had prepared more props and cute costumes for our baby.
5) If you could have this photoshoot again, is there anything you would do differently?
We would have selected another time window when our baby was more awake. In the span of the shoot, we had to take a couple breaks in between as he started to get a little grumpy.
Editor’s note: We often judge a photographer by only his works, without understanding the limitations. So I thought I would include a little interview with Tan Genghui so that he can share his rationale behind this photoshoot.
Tan Genghui (The Photographer):
1) What challenges do you find doing this photoshoot (at someone else’s home)?
Doing this photoshoot at an unfamiliar vicinity does pose some interesting challenges.
(a) One of them is space constraint, different homes have different floor space size, therefore some homes might be more “packed” and “squeezed”, thus making photoshoot a challenge for both the subjects (child or child with parents) and myself photographing them.
(b) Every home is unique, some of our home has more items/furniture than others, making it more messy and difficult to move things/furniture around for the shoot. For this reason, there are families who choose not to do family portraiture shoot in their home
(c) There are no “props” at home, compared to a indoor studio environment, the family and photographer have to discuss and plan this out, selecting “props” from their home for a home photo shoot.
2) What are the benefits of doing this photoshoot (at home)?
(a) Many people don’t know that studio lightings are very bad for adolescents’ eyes. When I proposed having this photoshoot done at the client’s home, especially for babies, it’s because the environment and setting is somewhere the baby is most used to, a place that is close to the family’s heart, mind, soul and living, thus making the subjects (they themselves) more relaxed and comfortable when doing a family / child portraiture photoshoot.
(b) No need for models/clients to prepare and rush out for photoshoot.
(c) Added time allowance for the baby / child (and the adults too) to rest in between the photo shoot, right at their home, in their own room, without fear of privacy, comfortable, fast and easy access.
(d) If you are shooting in an indoor studio outside, going back to take items from your home and returning back to the studio might not be ideal or practical. And thus, there’s less to fret and worry if you had forgotten something, as it’s just few steps away in your room!
3) What would families need to prepare if they are keen to do such photoshoot with you?
(a) Clothes: Some factors that the family can consider when finding clothes for the photos shoot, such as, what is the baby / child’s favourite clothes/colours/patterns ? Is there a family team clothing style e.g. same colours, same designs, supporting the same football club, favourite cartoon programs etc ?
(b) Props: what are the toys that the baby / child likes? Have a good mix of them ready to let the child play, and that’s where some great photographic moments may be captured down in memories.
(c) Light: Observe the light coming in from the outside into your home, for example; morning sun or late afternoon sun shining through the windows into your room/living room. Spend some time and take videos of your space at different time of the day (a 360° video or photo will be ideal) and sharing this information with me, so that I can plan the time to leverage on the natural light coming from outside into the home, for the baby / child and family portraiture photo shoot.
4) How much does it cost?
Tan Genghui Photography Family/Child Home Portraiture Shoot 2018 Photography Package
– No. of hours of photography shoot: 2 hours
– No. of photographs: 10 photographs (They can choose from a collection of 30 selected photographs shot during the shoot)
– Price: $500
Contact: Tan Genghui
Email: tangenghui [@]
What a lovely family photoshoot! I agree that with little kids, sometimes it is not possible to go for outdoor photo shoot or studio! Glad to know that there are flexible and creative photographers available in the market!
I love the question and answer! I still remember my youngest was having an allergic reaction to his formula and was either sleep, throwing up violently or starvingly eating. It was horrible! Your pictures came out great!
There are some seriously cute piccys here clearly the photo shoot went well. Memories for years to come, I am sure x
i love the photos and the baby looks so cute!! such a beautiful family
Congratulations on becoming an uncle for the second time! It is so sweet that you both arranged this photoshoot for them, the pictures came out beautifully, they capture so much love! Of course your nephew is an absolute cutie!